onsdag 22 maj 2013

It's not just me......

Allt mitt klagande om det usla vädret har inte bara varit gnäll. Jag har just fått bekräftat att det här är den kallaste våren på 40 år. Ska man känna sig glad över att man får tillfälle att uppleva en såpass "speciell vår"?....

Average temperatures this spring only climbed to 8.1 degrees Celsius. This makes it the coldest spring since the seventies. The past 10 weeks also had dark and gloomy weather, and it doesn't look as if things are about to change, at least not in the 5 or 6 coming days. "As things are looking now, we will make it into the top-10 of the springs with the least hours of sunshine."
There are still 10 days to go before spring ends and summer starts, but things are not looking bright. For the moment, the average spring temperature in Belgium (since 1 March) is 8.1 degrees Celsius, which is 2 degrees below the average.
"This is remarkable", admits the VRT's weather presenter Frank Deboosere. "It's 40 years ago that we had such a cold spring. And another thing is that we haven't had a lot of sunshine so far. At the end of May, we will probably finish in the top-10 of "darkest" springs ever."

That's not all: the cold, wet weather is to continue for at least 5 or 6 days. Wednesday should see a (short) drier spell, but a northerly wind brings cold air on Thursday and Friday, with fresh rain and heavy showers. "We could even have some sleet in the Ardennes. It's now 3 successive months that we are having colder temperatures than usual, and this is really exceptional."

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